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Lead Time & Ordering Policy

Lead Time

    The average Lead Time, meaning the time between the start of the production of your order and its Completion, including Shipping can take anywhere from 45 - 60 Days. This time frame not only includes the manufacturing of the products, but also, any treatments or finishes that need to be applied, and the quality testing for each of the items ordered.

    We urge you to please be aware of this time frame and include this time in your plans when ordering with us here at Jeuotay Industrial. We work hard to assure that all orders placed are manufactured, tested, and shipped out in a timely manner from the date the order is placed.

Ordering Policy

   When attempting to place an order for any of the products we manufacture here at Jeoutay Industrial. Please keep in mind that we require a minimum order amount of 10,000.00 USD.

   Unfortunately, due to the process and cost of manufacturing and shipping, we are unable to successfully fulfill any orders that do not meet our minimum purchase requirement. Therefore we cannot make any exceptions when it comes to this part of the ordering process.

   We can, however, accommodate for multiple partners to collectively order together to achieve the 10,000 USD minimum ordering requirement.  As long as we are advised of the situation, so we can take the proper steps needed to accommodate each client's order.

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